8 Reasons We Use Allogeneic Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) for Our Treatments

 Patient smiling at Stem Cell Institute Panama

The term “stem cell therapy” is broad within regenerative medicine, encompassing a variety of treatments with different types of stem cells and methods for transplantation. People interested in stem cell therapy often wonder what the best type of cells are. Two primary categories of stem cells are allogeneic stem cells and autologous stem cells. At Stem Cell Institute Panama, we solely use specially-selected allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) known as Golden Cells™

Autologous stem cells come from the patient, while allogeneic stem cells are donated. Allogeneic stem cells donated from umbilical cords offer a broad range of advantages over autologous cells, including accessibility, consistency, and reduced probability of contamination. These are some of the main reasons why we exclusively use specially-selected allogeneic MSCs at Stem Cell Institute in Panama. These allogeneic cells help patients avoid invasive procedures as well as reduce overall treatment time and reduce discomfort. Application of rigorous aseptic techniques and stringent quality control testing makes them pure and potent, suitable for various patients and health conditions in regenerative medicine.


Autologous vs. Allogeneic Mesenchymal Stem Cells

There are two primary types of stem cell transplants:

  • Autologous stem cell transplants
  • Allogeneic stem cell transplants


In an autologous stem cell transplant, stem cells are derived from your own body. They’re typically collected from bone marrow or adipose (fat) tissue. 

In contrast, the cells used in allogeneic stem cell therapy come from a donor. At Stem Cell Institute in Panama, the proprietary allogeneic stem cells we use, known as Golden Cells™, come from human umbilical cords donated by women in Panama after normal, healthy, c-section births.

Allogeneic stem cells may pose a risk of immune rejection. To mitigate this risk, we work with specially-selected human umbilical cord tissue mesenchymal stem cells (HUCT MSCs).  It is important to note that MSCs from umbilical cord tissue are actually approved in several countries as a treatment for graft vs. host disease, which is caused by immune system rejection.


Why We Use Allogeneic Golden Cells™

Our Golden Cells™ at Stem Cell Institute Panama are a specific type of allogeneic HUCT MSCs that are the result of treating thousands of patients and conducting a years-long retrospective analysis on our most successful cases. These have become the standard for treating all of our patients for a variety of health issues. This is due to a long list of benefits, including:

  • Low Immunogenicity
  • Availability
  • Consistency
  • Reduced Risk of Contamination
  • Invasive Procedure Avoidance
  • Purity and Potency
  • Fast Application
  • Suitability for Patients with Multiple Health Conditions


1. Low Immunogenicity

One of the biggest benefits of allogeneic Golden Cells™ donated from normal, healthy, c-section births is their unique immune properties. These cells possess traits that contribute to immune tolerance, possibly related to the natural immunotolerance between mother and baby during pregnancy. Additionally, these cells have low or no expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules, making them very unlikely to be rejected by the recipient’s immune system upon administration. 

After treating well over 13,000 patients over the course of 15+ years, not a single patient has experienced a serious adverse event.

This enhances their therapeutic potential for various medical applications, including:


2. Availability

Allogeneic stem cells derived from donated umbilical cord tissue offer a readily accessible source. This ensures immediate usage for all of our patients. In comparison, acquiring autologous MSCs from a patient’s own fat or bone marrow involves a distinct extraction procedure. This adds a layer of complexity and often takes more time. 

The efficiency of allogeneic MSCs from umbilical cords is reinforced by their availability in our lab. Golden Cells™ donated from healthy, normal births are routinely processed and cryogenically stored in our partner lab, Medistem Panama, ready to be used for clinical purposes. This streamlines the process of obtaining these cells for swift and convenient application. It also provides a notable advantage over the comparatively more intricate and time-intensive retrieval of autologous MSCs from your own tissues.


3. Consistency

Allogeneic MSCs sourced from umbilical cord tissue can provide a reliably uniform and standardized product. This is thanks to the meticulous screening and testing procedures applied to donor sources. In addition, the expertise of highly qualified technicians ensures that these cells are cultured to achieve a pure and consistent product, which subsequently undergoes strict quality control procedures. 

In contrast, the quality and quantity of autologous MSCs derived from your own tissue may fluctuate based on your health and age. This highlights the advantage of our Golden Cells™ in ensuring a consistent and reliable cell product.


4. Reduced Risk of Contamination

reduced risk of contamination with MSCsAutologous stem cells may be vulnerable to pre-existing medical conditions and contaminants. In contrast, allogeneic MSCs derived from umbilical cords are obtained from healthy donors and undergo meticulous processing in a controlled environment. 

This method diminishes the likelihood of contamination, ensuring the highest possible standard of cell purity and potential efficacy. The use of allogeneic MSCs not only minimizes exposure to the patient’s own medical history and environmental exposure, but it also underscores the importance of employing standardized, quality-controlled procedures in regenerative medicine overall.


5. Avoid Invasive Procedures

Using allogeneic Golden Cells™ also helps avoid invasive procedures for autologous cell harvesting. This includes processes such as liposuction or bone marrow aspiration. It also avoids the need to anesthetize the patient, which adds additional risk.

Our Golden Cells™: 

  • Speed up the transplant process 
  • Reduce patient discomfort 
  • Add safety
  • Provide the best opportunity for optimal outcomes


6. Purity and Potency

Allogeneic stem cells from donated umbilical cords undergo meticulous purification and expansion within Dr. Riordan’s carefully regulated laboratory environment. This results in a final product that’s exceptionally pure and concentrated, meeting international quality specifications and regulations. In contrast, autologous MSCs may require extra processing and expansion to reach comparable levels of viable cell counts.

“Not only does the number of your MSCs decline with age, but so does their robustness. MSC robustness is determined by a few main factors: the rate at which the cells multiply, or double; the amount of trophic factors they produce; and cell senescence, or deterioration. MSCs in older individuals do not multiply, or double, as quickly, nor do they produce as many healing trophic factors as do the cells in younger individuals. This explains why umbilical cord MSCs are so potent—they come from a very young, healthy human being. We have found that umbilical cord MSCs are the most potent when compared to bone marrow, fat, and menstrual cell MSCs, all of which we have used and extensively tested.”


allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells at stem cell institute panama7. Better Cellular Stability

Allogeneic MSCs derived from umbilical cords offer a notable advantage in terms of their cellular stability. They are able to better withstand the cryopreservation and thawing process, which allows them to retain their characteristics and functionality more effectively than autologous cells.

Autologous cells are more delicate, so they may experience higher levels of stress during these procedures, leading to compromised stability after thawing. The availability of allogeneic Golden Cells™ in our partner lab, Medistem Panama, provides our patients with the strongest, most stable cells possible.


8. Suitability for Patients with Many Health Conditions

Patients with specific health conditions may be ineligible for autologous cell harvesting due to their health profile. However, allogeneic Golden Cells™ offer a broader suitability, accommodating a wider spectrum of patients. This approach can help those potentially excluded from autologous methods due to diverse health profiles to still benefit from the power of stem cell therapy with MSCs.


Are you interested in learning what our Golden Cells™ may be able to do for you? Apply today!


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Stem cells can either be autologous (sourced from the patient) or allogeneic (donated). At Stem Cell Institute Panama, we solely use specially-selected allogeneic stem cells from human umbilical cords known as Golden Cells™. Allogeneic stem cells boast advantages in immunity, accessibility, and consistency. They reduce the risk of contamination and spare patients from invasive procedures. Stringent quality assurance and quality control procedures, overseen by highly skilled technicians at our partner lab, Medistem Panama, ensure their efficacy for treating a variety of health conditions.

Stem Cell Institute in Panama City, Panama is at the forefront of applied stem cell research. Since our inception in 2008, we have performed over 50,000 procedures, helping thousands of families across the United States and around the world embrace the opportunity for a better life. Our medical team prioritizes the health and well-being of all our patients through top-notch stem cell treatment and care.


Take the first step towards the healthier life you deserve.