Spinal cord injury patient demonstrates progress after treatment at Stem Cell Institute Panama

Watch towards the end to see Daniel demonstrate something his doctors told him he would never do.

Daniel W suffered a T-8 complete spinal cord injury about 6 years ago. Daniel is at the Stem Cell Institute in Panama City, Panama undergoing comprehensive courses of stem cell therapy that include intrathecal and intravenous injections of his own bone marrow-derived stem cells and mesenchymal stem cells harvested from human umbilical cords donated by mothers after normal healthy births.

About Spinal Cord Injury Treatment

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Disclaimer: The results of testimonials of people who appear on this website who have undergone stem cell treatment are not necessarily typical. The treatments described on cellmedicine.com are not approved by the US FDA and are not considered to be standard of care for any condition or disease.

Reviewed By:

Verónica Gaez, M.D.

Staff Physician

Dr. Gaez specializes in anti-aging, orthomolecular medicine, and hospital management, with a focus on regenerative medicine and stem cell therapy. She earned her medical degree in 2015 and holds a research certification from Hospital del Niño de Panamá.

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