Cord Blood Stem Cells Last Resort for Young Man with Rare Immune Disease

On March 3rd, Freddie will celebrate his 21st birthday.

But it may only be the beginning of his life if all goes as hoped.

His parents Shirley and Fred had a decision to make when Freddie was 18 months old. He could either take his chances outside, or live the rest of his life inside a bubble. This was because Freddie

Reviewed By:

Querube Quirós, M.D.​

Staff Physician

Dr. Quirós earned her medical degree from Universidad Latina de Panamá and has experience in antiretroviral therapy, hair implants, and cardiothoracic surgery. She presented on awake craniotomy at the 30th International Neurosurgery Congress and is passionate about regenerative medicine.

Take the first step towards the healthier life you deserve.