U.S. and S. Korean Stem Cell Companies Announce Litigation Settlement
The U.S. company Stem Cell Therapy International and the S. Korean company Histostem today announced the terms of a litigation settlement.
The U.S. company Stem Cell Therapy International and the S. Korean company Histostem today announced the terms of a litigation settlement.
The U.S. company Neuralstem receives yet another patent for its novel adult stem cell technology.
Osiris Therapeutics reports that its adult stem cell product, Prochymal, has performed well in a subset of patients in a clinical trial, the FDA calls the trial a "failure" because the FDA does not recognize patient subsets.
Stemedica Cell Technologies announced today the acquisition of its subsidiary, Stemedica International, by the Jordanian Stem Cell Company.
Researchers at Stanford University Medical School announce that adult stem cells derived from fat are easier to reprogram into iPS cells that skin cells are.
According to the Culture and Media Institute, members of the general media are inaccurately biased in favor of embryonic stem cell research, at the expense of adult stem cell accomplishments.
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