July 2015

Scalable efficient expansion of mesenchymal stem cells in xeno free media using commercially available reagents.

Journal Citation

J Transl Med. 2015 Jul 17;13:232


Riordan NH, Madrigal M, Reneau J, de Cupeiro K, Jiménez N, Ruiz S, Sanchez N, Ichim TE, Silva F, Patel AN.


Background: The rapid clinical translation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) has resulted in the development of cell-based strategies for multiple indications. Unfortunately one major barrier to widespread implementation of MSC-based therapies is the limited supply of fetal calf serum (FCS) used to expand cells to therapeutic numbers. Additionally, the xenogeneic element of fetal calf serum has been previously demonstrated to stimulate antibody mediated reactions and in some cases sensitization leading to anaphylaxis. Method: XcytePLUS™ media, a human platelet lysate based product, was used to supplement the culture medium at 5, 7.5 and 10% and compared to fetal calf serum at 10%, for human umbilical cord MSC expansion. Properties of the expanded cells were investigated. Results: This study demonstrated equivalent or superior effects of human platelet lysate compared to standard FCS supplemented media, based on doubling rate, without loss of identity or function, as demonstrated with flow cytometry characterization. Differentiation into osteocytes, adipocytes and chondrocytes was comparable from cells expanded in either media supplement. Conclusions: These data support the implementation of human platelet lysate supplemented media as an alternative to xenogeneic containing preparations which may lead to safer MSC products with therapeutic uses.

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