Sam Harrell demonstrates his progress after receiving umbilical cord stem cells + fat stem cells for multiple sclerosis

Texas high school Hall of Fame football coach Sam Harrell talks about his progress after undergoing several stem cell treatments for secondary progressive multiple sclerosis at the Stem Cell Institute in Panama City, Panama.

Sam is speaking from the clinic in Panama while undergoing his fourth 5-day course of combination human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells and fat-derived stromal vascular fraction cells.

“I came by myself this time and that’s just a sign of how much better I’ve gotten. …the last times I’ve come I had to get in a wheel chair [off the plane] and I just walked through the airport this time. People ask me. ‘Do you think it really helps?’. Well, just look! I am walking through the airport with no aids.” [Sam demonstrates how he used to walk before treatment] “I took little steps. If I needed to turn around, I had to do like this.” [Sam demonstrates a slow, shuffling turn] “I don’t have a rope but now I can jump rope.” [sam demonstates jumping rope and walks quickly around the room demonstrating quick changes in directions] “Before, I couldn’t jump rope. I couldn’t do any of that. Now I can do those things. I used to have to think about my steps. I’d have to think about right leg, and left leg and now I don’t have to think. I catch myself doing that. I walk somewhere and I think, ‘hey I didn’t have to think about walking from there to there. I just got up and walked like I used to. Now I can make quick moves. I couldn’t do any of that before.”

“…I coached football and I had to retire. I never thought I’d coach football again. Just this last year, I coached football again. Amazing. I thought I would never do that again. I coached this past year and I plan on doing it again. I’m thank to the Stem Cell Institute in Panama and I am thankful to God above. He’s smiling on me too. It’s an amazing story, I think.”

Sam Harrell Texas High School Football Hall of Fame:


Stem Cell Therapy for MS

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Reviewed By:

Carolyn De La Guardia, M.D.

Staff Physician

Earning her medical degree from Universidad Latina de Panamá and specializing in clinical medicine, Dr. De La Guardia believes stem cell therapy is the future of medicine. She previously practiced in Panama’s public health system before joining Stem Cell Institute.

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